Find a New View

Here in the Northeast, days are cold and short in January.

It’s a time to stay in a lot, and to act in harmony with nature. Nature is in a state of rest. And while we have to continue working, perhaps we can now do it in a way that is more in tune with natural rhythms.

In addition, many of us tend to feel a sense of sadness when there is not so much light and the days are brief, and it is not the time to push for change, to criticize ourselves, or to go into a depression.

Rather, it is a time to go inward, to find space, warmth, and comfort within ourselves.

Bön Buddhist teacher Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche tells us: “If you feel more light, space, and warmth, your life will change.”

So while it’s darker outside, we can look for more light within.

According to Buddhist teachings, our true nature is one of openness and clarity, of light and space. It is from this place that everything arises.

How do you learn to become aware of this? Be still and listen:

*Sit comfortably.

*Close your eyes or keep them in a soft, lowered gaze.

*Notice your body on the chair, and the breath coming in and out.

*Be still.

*Listen to the silence beneath your thoughts.

*Feel the space within and around you.

*Wait. Allow yourself to just be with whatever arises.

If we can continue to look for this place of refuge within ourselves, we can find  a new view. New experiences will arise from this inner refuge.

Let change happen organically, in tune with what is happening in nature. Unseen forces are at work now. Use less effort. Notice the inner stillness. Become aware of it. Rest in it. Allow it to reveal to you its peace. Change will come in its own time.

“Recognize and connect with the openness of being fully present. You will see changes happening in your everyday life. Trust that openness is the source.” —Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche