Remain as you are

Do you have a lot of things you’d like to accomplish? I do. And the number is not diminishing the older I get. In fact, I find that no matter what I accomplish, it never seems I’ve done enough.

But what is enough?

Maybe you’ve already accomplished many things, or you’ve tried to accomplish certain things, spent a lot of time on them, and haven’t succeeded in the way you might have wished.

Does this mean you’re ‘behind?’ Does this mean you have to struggle even harder to ‘catch up?’

No, not at all.

Perhaps you have a vision of an ideal life, one that you have strived to attain—as, for example, a famous writer, a professional singer, or a business person. In the words of spiritual teacher Mooji: “You may indeed write or sing, but you can’t determine whether you are going to be a great writer or singer, nor whether you would actually be happy in the way that you project.”

It’s very possible you might do really well in your endeavors. By all means, keep going, keep doing what you love to do. But do these things for the love of them, not to become something more than what you already are.

Life is a process of discovery, not a process of planning every event the way we’d like it to turn out and expecting the universe to obey, to conform to our schedule.

You are deepening as a person, not becoming ‘more’ of one. You are already enough. Doesn’t every day bring surprises? And aren’t many of these pleasant ones? The creative process itself is one of discovery, not minute planning.

Set your intentions, work at what you love, then allow your life to unfold and bring you whatever you need to evolve and deepen into wisdom and insight. Do all you can do. Then wait and see.

“I allow my human nature to unfold according to its destiny—I remain as I am.” Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj