Turn a block into a door

Sometimes we want to accomplish things but can’t see beyond self-imposed limitations. “Only this or that is possible, nothing more,” you may think.

But there are ways to see more possibilities than we realize we have. A coach can help you create awareness so that you can expand your thinking, then help you decide what your next step might be.

But if you think in the same old way, even if you take steps, you may feel blocked, as if your steps won’t make a difference. Without belief or faith that things can change, action alone might not be enough.

How do you develop that faith or belief?

Cultivating mindfulness, so that you can become more open and aware of the nature of reality can help.

If you look at the natural world, it’s easy to see that everything is always in a state of transformation. Day turns into night which turns into day. A rainy day turns into a sunny one. Spring turns to summer which turns to fall. Trees sprout leaves and flowers and then those leaves turn color and fall, only to fertilize the ground so that the trees can blossom again the next spring.

Once I said to someone that I felt that things would never change, and she replied, “Try and stop them.”

”We know this is true, yet our feelings often tell us otherwise. But sometimes it just depends on what stories we tell ourselves.Think back to other times when you thought there was no way forward. Eventually, something did in fact change. There may have been a struggle involved, and things may have taken longer than you wished they would. But eventually, something new evolved.If we remember we are a part of nature and that we are changing all the time, then we can see that something new must come about.

I find it helpful to remember the words of Bön Buddhist teacher and author Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche:

I can turn this block into a door.

I can change this fear into confidence.

I can change this anger into love.

I can change his pain into joy.

I can change this struggle into peace.


Try writing about past experiences when you made a change, then write about what you believe is preventing you from making a change now, and then write what you would like to happen.

Focus on opening and allowing positive change. Then take your steps and see what unfolds.