Hero’s Journey

As we begin a new year—and a new decade—I thought it would be a good time to review Joseph Campbell’s mythic tale of the Hero’s Journey. Joseph Campbell studied the great myths of many traditions the world over and found that they all contained common elements.

Sometimes when we use the word myth, we may be speaking of something that is widely believed but not trueBut in this case, the word myth connotes a meaningful story that does hold truth, and that speaks to the common experiences of human kind.

We are all heroes in our individual journeys, and we pass through similar stages.  We may not want or choose to be a hero, yet we are all called upon to do so in one way or another. Simply being born propels us forward and we have to keep moving in order to survive.

But we want to do more than survive. Most of us want to find meaning and purpose in our lives, to learn and grow and evolve. Not all of us answer ‘the call’ Campbell speaks of, but if we don’t, we pay the price of frustration and stagnation. Howev usually there is something that happens that forces on the hero’s path—an event, a discovery, something startles us out of our usual day to day existence. Whatever it is, we know that we must find our own way.

I won’t go into all of the details of the journey here. You can read it about in many places on line, and in Campbell’s Book: The Hero With a Thousand Faces.

But there are three main stages: separation, ordeal, and return. We each have to cross a threshold into the unknown at some stage of our lives,  face challenges—whether internal or external–learn something, accomplish something, and then return to ‘normal’ existence having been transformed and ready to share our knowledge with others.

Sometimes we may get so caught up in our own personal struggles, our own needs and wants, that we can forget that our lives serve a larger purpose—that we are part of something vast and far-reaching, and that how we live can contribute to the well-being of the planet and all who live on it.

I don’t know if this is a more troublesome time period than past periods, or that the internet just brings us more information. All I know is it seems that every day we face upsetting news, and that this knowledge adds to the burden of personal challenges we already face.

Recognizing my life has a purpose, and that I can make a difference by using my talents and strengths, find a sense of satisfaction, and contribute to the well-being of others, strengthens and encourages me to continue along my own unfolding path.

I hope it will do the same for you.

“Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked, in which you can walk in love and reverence.”

–David Henry Thoreau

“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.”
