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Writing for Transformation

In this course, you will use writing to transform your energy, learn to let go of what no longer serves you, and embrace positive change in your life.

The writing we’ll be using is called expressive writing, in which you write about topics that are meaningful to you. Whether you already have a writing practice or are starting, this course will help you to learn and grow. You will be able to deepen your understanding of your life’s experiences and determine the direction you would like to move in. 

Writing for Transformation is self-paced and contains video, audio, writing prompts, and worksheets.

By the end of the course, you will have:

Made an aspiration, that is, an intention;

Set a goal;

Established a routine to work on the goal.

You will have cleared the way to take concrete steps on your own unfolding path in life and gained insight into how to persist and stay motivated. The free ebook offered on this site will give you a small taste of this course.


Course Information


Course Instructor

Julianne Julianne Author

One time payment

1 year of access

You will receive one-year access to the course, and the downloads will be yours to keep. You will also receive a complimentary coaching session that you may use up to one month after you finish the course.