Create from your Inner Light

During this time of great change, patterns have been broken and it’s up to us to create new ones.

The truth is, we can’t do all of the things we used to do in the same way we used to do them, and we can’t expect that the outside world will provide us with what we think we need. As Eckhart Tolle tells us, this world is not designed to make you happy. This world is designed to challenge you. Only by challenging you does it provide the necessary incentive to awaken you. 

We can either succumb to the restrictions we face with despair, or play the cards we’ve been dealt with all the courage we can muster.

Now is the time to grow and connect in new and different ways.

If you are fortunate enough to be working from home, or if you need to venture out but want to work on your own projects or ideas, you may be considering and planning your next steps.

But sometimes even making a plan isn’t what is called for. You had plans before and now they may have been stalled. Maybe it’s time to take a step back and see if something will emerge in a spontaneous, organic way. Perhaps it’s necessary to wait and see what wants to be created through you. 

Viktor Frankl, the Jewish Austrian psychiatrist who spent years in a concentration camp during World War II, wrote that during that time:

“It did not really matter what we expected from life, but rather what life expected from us.”

After the war he become renowned and honored for his work in helping people the world over.

We have to play the cards we’ve been dealt. Although we can’t always choose what will happen around us, we can choose what happens within us. How can we make the best decisions and take the necessary actions based on our values?

Now more than ever it’s important to live according to your true desires, to follow your inner light, do the work that is meaningful for you and helpful to others. What can you do to keep motivated and stimulate your creative thinking?

When you wake up each day, jot down your dream memories and random thoughts to clear your mind. Write further to explore what is troubling you and how you might proceed.

Then decide how you want to approach the day. What is one small action you can take today to move you in your valued direction?

Email me. I would love to hear how you are doing and offer any suggestions that might be helpful.

“Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose.” ― Victor Frankl