Seven Ways to Deal with Uncertainty

Dear Friends,

In this strange and trying period, each of us is dealing with our own situation, our own set of circumstances, and our own specific challenges.

There are no easy solutions, yet in order to maintain a sense of well-being while walking on our unique unfolding paths, we have to find ways to cope with the day to day realities of this time. Although we are being challenged in new and strange ways, there are strategies that can help lead us forward as we continue to move from darkness to light.

1. Accept your circumstances.

We can’t change where we are right now. In order to function we have to let go of wishing things were different. Whatever work you have or don’t have, whatever your living or financial situation, the first step to creating improvement is to drop the struggle. That doesn’t mean you can’t take steps to make things better for yourself and others, but fighting against ‘what is’ will be wasted effort and you will exhaust yourself.

2. Find a place of refuge. There are two kinds of refuge: inner refuge and outer refuge. Outer refuge is your home, friends. family or support system, religious figures, spiritual teachers and teachings, nature. Inner refuge is trusting that there is a power within, one that is greater than the ‘you’ you believe you are. This takes faith, but it also takes practice. Establishing a meditation practice will allow you to begin to experience this feeling of refuge and gain greater trust in a larger sense of who you really are. Both kinds of refuge stabilize and ground us. Think of a tree, whose roots stretch down into the earth and branches lift up to the sky.

3. Develop confidence. The more you can trust this inner refuge, the greater will become your ability to find next steps to how you can deal more successfully with whatever challenges you are facing.

4. Establish goals. What needs to be done right now, given your circumstances and the current environment? The pandemic has radically altered our practical reality, and each of us must deal with both our personal challenges and the challenges we face as humans. Ask yourself what is possible; then, set a goal or series of goals. Write them down. Writing helps you clarify intentions and make your ideas concrete.

5. Take action. Once you have established a goal or goals, break them down into a series of action steps. What is one small action you can take today to lead you closer to where you would like to be? Acknowledge your progress.

6. Live in 24-hour increments. Have a general plan for the future, but live for today. Do what needs to be done until bedtime, and then let go of everything and rest. Rest is the single most important thing that will help you in all other areas of your life.

7. Choose to believe. At any moment you can choose to believe that you will manage to deal successfully with your challenges. It’s not always possible to believe you will succeed at something, but you can always say, “I choose to believe.”

When you decide to focus your attention on something of your own choosing, you’re helping to create your world. You are always in a state of transformation.

“As you increase your awareness of your own noble heart in your everyday activities, it will become a central force in your life…..You can take all experiences as a means of growing spiritually.”

The 17th Karmapa, Ogyen, Trinley Dorge