Be the Change

As each of us moves along our life path, at some point, we realize that our happiness depends not only on our own success and well-being but on the effect we have on others near and far. No one can make it on their own. Our only true path to happiness is in the recognition that our lives depend on each other. When I am discouraged, I try to think about the benefit to others, however small, that may come from what I do.  This gives me the courage to persist.

Even if we ourselves have relatively few problems, we may look around and be dismayed at what is happening, at the tragedies that many people are facing. What to do? As Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

How can you align your dreams and goals with the welfare of others? Sometimes all it takes is an intention: how can I focus on compassion in each interaction I have today? How can I use my strengths and talents to fulfill my dreams and benefit others at the same time?

Even if I don’t fulfill all my dreams and goals, what will I feel good about at the end of my days? Our time here is short. Naturally, we all make mistakes, and no one is perfect. But we can learn from our mistakes and adjust our course.

At the beginning of each day, decide on the kind of person you wish to be. At the end of the day, rejoice in all the good you’ve done. Keep a journal and chart your progress. As each of us evolves, we affect the greater whole.

“Life is a luminous pause between two great mysteries, which themselves are one.” –Carl Jung