Mindfulness meditation is often defined as a state of active, open attention to the present, observing one’s thoughts and feelings without judging (Psychology Today).
But is that all? If that is all, how could we apply it to everything we think, say, and do in everyday life? What about when we need to take action? The goal is not simply to sit and learn to meditate; it’s about integrating mindfulness into our daily activities.
Simply observing what is happening is not all there is to mindfulness.
We have to be able to discern unwholesome or unhelpful thoughts from wholesome or helpful ones.
Which thoughts should we give our energy to, and which should we let pass by?
Awareness of Thoughts and Actions
Thoughts are the cause of actions. Every action is preceded by a thought. Sometimes we act when something triggers us, when it stimulates an emotion, without considering the ramifications of our actions.
But if we can train ourselves to pause, to notice what we are feeling inside our bodies, then a space opens, and we can take time, even if it’s just a moment or two, to decide if we really want to take action.
It’s hard to stay aware enough to notice what is happening to us and in us. But over time, our practice can evolve. As we meditate day in and day out, our thoughts slow down, our mind becomes quieter, and our powers of observation become stronger. We can rest in the quiet spaciousness of a tranquil mind for longer periods.
Mindfulness as a Practice
Of course, all of this takes practice. We need to cultivate patience. The longer we practice anything, whether that is meditating, playing an instrument, or learning a language, the more natural and powerful our ability becomes.
When our intention is to make mindfulness a part of our lives, not just something that happens for 20 or more minutes every morning, it becomes an intrinsic part of our being, and we can begin to bring some of the peace of our meditations into everything we do.
Inner Refuge
In this time of upheaval the world over, we have to prioritize the healing of our minds, bodies, and emotions–to take what’s called inner refuge. While it’s important to stay informed and take meaningful action, it’s even more important to make our inner state a priority.
Therefore, here are some mindful actions you can take now to protect yourself from getting caught up in negative thoughts and emotions:
*Limit Doomscrolling: Decide how much time you can spend listening to the news and interacting with social media. Notice when you find yourself becoming anxious and stop.
*Spend time reading spiritual books, novels, or uplifting texts. Listen to informative podcasts or music.
*Prioritize Inner Stillness: Meditate daily, practice breathwork, and spend time in nature.
*Work on creative projects: Write, draw, knit, cook.
*Move your body: Practice yoga, walk, dance, swim, exercise.
Set an intention to notice how you’re feeling throughout the day. Make mindfulness an intrinsic part of your life.
- “Yes, sitting or standing meditation in quiet conditions may well be necessary in your quest for awakening. But don’t forget to sit or stand in your own interior in the midst of all the movements, sensations, and sounds of life, where you can discover the still, quiet, spacious center within every experience.”–Dennis Lewis